The Mentoring Advocacy Day will take place in Brussels on the 15th of November. This day promises two enriching events: a Mentoring Meet & Match and an impactful gathering in the European Parliament. In between these two events, a guided tour of the Parliament building will offer you a unique perspective.
This year’s advocacy day marks the fourth edition of our gathering in Brussels, where we aim to strengthen collaboration between the mentoring field and European policy-makers and decision-makers. The 2023 edition is presented and organised by Mentoring Europe in collaboration with the Spanish national organisation Coordinadora de Mentoria Social.
The upcoming events are designed to connect mentoring organisations, academic institutions, businesses, and policy- and decision-makers from across Europe. This initiative serves as a vital platform for the mentoring field, enabling us to translate the profound impact of mentoring into European public policy.
Schedule of the day
Mentoring Meet & Match (1pm – 4pm)
📍Neth-ER, Rue d'Arlon 22, 1050 Bruxelles
In the afternoon program, we will delve into the priorities of Europe’s 2021-2027 policy period, specifically focusing on education, employment, and the integration of migrants into society.
We will explore how mentoring can provide solutions to address these European challenges.
Special guests, including European policy-makers and supporting organisations, will share their expertise and vision on how mentoring can contribute to these vital policy areas.
Confirmed speakers of the event:
Ms. Aiste Vaitkeviciute (13:15)
EU policy professional at Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. She will talk about the European Year of Skills and the European Skills Agenda.
Mr. Michael Teutsch (14:00)
Head of unit at Directorate General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. He will give an introduction to “Pathways to Success”, a policy framework of the European Education Area, offering a systemic approach for improving success at school.
Mr. Andrei Frank (14:45)
Policy and advocacy coordinator at the Lifelong Learning Platform, an umbrella organisation representing institution of formal, non-formal and informal learning. He will present the work of the platform and the link between lifelong learning policy and mentoring.
Ms. Julie Bodson (15:30)
Advocacy coordinator of DUO for a JOB and member of the advocacy committee of Mentoring Europe. She will share her know-how on mentoring advocacy on a local, regional and national level and what it can bring to programmes.
Visit to the European Parliament (4pm – 5pm)
📍European parlament building, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles

Get an exclusive opportunity to visit the iconic European Parliament building.
Mentoring Event at the European Parliament (6pm – 8pm)
“Boosting Mentoring for Social Inclusion in Europe: A Strategy to Overcome the EU’s Most Pressing Challenges”
The event hosted by Marcos ROS will also take place online, you can join the meeting in several ways:
Follow the LINK
Meeting number: 2792 637 0491
Password: X8qPiqvgb69
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 6:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Video system
Dial –
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+32-2-894-8317 Belgium Toll 2
+352-2088-1750 Luxembourg Toll 2
Access code: 279 263 70491
The event, under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, is the second of its kind hosted in the European Parliament by a member of the Parliament.
We are delighted to share that MEP Marcos Ros will be leading this discussion alongside Mentoring Europe speakers and together with members from European institutions.
During the session, we will present the latest approved opinion on mentoring presented at the European Committee of the Regions alongside the roadmap for mentoring in Europe.
Together, let’s accentuate the EU’s commitment to securing social rights and inclusion of people in Europe.
“Welcome words” with MEP Marcos Ros
“Youth voices for mentoring”, welcome words mentors and mentees
Presenting the latest achievement “Mentoring: a powerful and meaningful tool for the Europe of tomorrow” an approved opinion presented at the European Committee of the Regions with Anne Rudishuli, Member of the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council and SEDEC (Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture).
“Laying the groundwork”, contextualization of mentoring for social inclusion in Europe by Laia Bernuès, Coordinadora de Mentoria Social
“Blueprint for progress”: Presentation of the mentoring roadmap in Europe by the Advocacy Committee from Mentoring Europe
“Fostering unity and excellence”: celebrating quality mentoring initiatives from Members States
- French example with Ilana Cicurel, MEP Groupe Renew Europe
- Spanish example with Patricia Bezunartea, Director General of Family Diversity and Social Services, Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030
- Belgian example (TBC)
Q&A Session
“Amplifying the progress with the support of European institutions”, closing remarks from Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, DG Emploi (TBC)
Cocktail reception and networking with experts from the European mentoring community.
The Advocacy Day provides a meaningful experience for:
- Mentoring programmes (NGOs, entrepreneurs, educational institutions)
- Policy-makers at local, regional, national, and European levels
- Diverse stakeholders in mentoring, including students, mentors, researchers, and friends of mentoring
Join us in Brussels on the 15th of November, and let’s advocate together for the powerful personal, social, and economic impact of mentoring. Registration is open via this form.
Please note that there is a registration fee of 30€ per person, and after registration, you will receive an invoice from us.
In the coming weeks, we will keep you posted on the exact agenda and location of the event through our website. If you have any questions or need further information, please get in touch with us.
Spots are LIMITED, especially for the event in the Parliament; therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. After your registration, we will confirm your seat at all event parts as quickly as possible.
The Advocacy Day event promotes the European Year of Skills awareness campaign.

The Advocacy Day is a flagship event of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.