Our joint actions are our signature of showing local, regional, national and European authorities our shared belief in the impact of mentoring.

In 2019, we launched an associate partnership programme. Our associate partners represent the mentoring field of a country or a bigger European region. They are there to unite the mentoring field, advocate, and act as a connection point for stakeholders on a national/regional level. The Associate Partnership model was the next step in the ongoing development of the European mentoring field. Together, Mentoring Europe and its partners build the mentoring movement.

Our Associate partners help the mentoring field on a international and regional level

  • Advocacy for mentoring among policy- and decision-makers, to make legislation and
    policies suitable for mentoring opportunities;
  • Capacity building of existing programmes;
  • Seeking new opportunities to expand and set up new mentoring initiatives;
  • Seeking research opportunities as well as connecting practitioners and researchers to seek evidence;
  • Organising regional events for knowledge exchange;
  • Co-designing the 2-yearly European Mentoring Summit;
  • Introducing regional / national quality thinking, in order to increase our impact and lead mentors and mentees to the impact they choose for;

Mentoring Europe partners from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain